Workforce resiliency will be in focus – COVID-19 was a stress test to the resilience of the business. Going forward, Boards and CEOs will require more flexible operating models and Risk Management will be firmly back on the Board agenda.
Be ready for a round of cost reductions – The shape of the economic recovery will dictate the extent of any structural adjustment but some reorganisation will be inevitable in most sectors.
Be intentional – Stay close to the business and align and inform the business strategy. Co-develop business scenarios and the resulting workforce plans to execute.
Re-imagine HR – Reprioritise and redevelop your HR roadmap, build bench strength and agility in HR. Leverage the momentum for change generated by COVID-19.
Culture and Leadership will be key areas of focus – New talent has emerged during the pandemic and quality of “teaming” has exceeded expectations. Opportunity to hold on to, and cultivate newly discovered agility and speed in decision making.
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